Hot Mulch Block - Best Prices !! Garden Mulches

Garden Mulches Product Description : Mulch Block

We've all been there: lugging heavy bags of mulch to the car, straining our backs and making a mess.

These dehydrated coir mulch blocks weigh just 9 pounds and are delivered right to your door.

Just add water and in 20 minutes, you'll have 2 cubic feet of earth-friendly mulch.

Made from coconut husks, coir has better water retention than bark, and reduces the temperature and moisture fluctuation by 50%.

Keeps its rich color, too.

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Garden Mulches Product Feature : Mulch Block

  • Each block weighs just 9 lbs, makes 2 cubic feet of mulch Covers 12 sq. ft. at a 2" depth; 8 sq. ft at a 3" depth Made from coconut husks

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