Best Sedgehammer Plus Turf Herbicide 13.5 Grams (2 Packs) - Check price Gardening Weed Killers

Cheap Gardening Weed Killers, We suggest you with Sedgehammer Plus Turf Herbicide 13.5 Grams (2 Packs).

Gardening Weed Killers Product Description : Sedgehammer Plus Turf Herbicide 13.5 Grams (2 Packs)

SedgeHammer Herbicide selectively controls nutsedge in turf and around established woody ornamentals in landscaped areas......

When used as directed, SedgeHammer is one of the most effective products for the control of both yellow (Cyperus esculentus) and purple (Cyperus rotundus) nutsedge in cool season and warm season turfgrasses......

Over the years, SedgeHammer has shown to be safe to many turfgrass species.

Unlike other products, SedgeHammer controls sedges where they actually grow, underground, not just the leaves......

More information:

*SedgeHammer Original - For areas up to 1 acre...

*SedgeHammer+ - For areas up to 1,000 square feet...

How To Use NEW Sedgehammer+ Formula

1.Open packet and pour into 1 gallon of water.

2.Swirl or mix the solution thoroughly.

One packet will cover 1,000 sq ft.

3.DO NOT add any non-ionic surfactant - it is already included in the packet for easy mixing.


While spraying, periodically swirl or shake the mixture to keep the product evenly distributed in the water.


Do not store the mixed solution as it will degrade and become ineffective.

Buy Gardening Weed Killers. This is a brief summarized content , Click main product image to go to Amazon [dot] com . for more detail of Sedgehammer Plus Turf Herbicide 13.5 Grams (2 Packs).

Gardening Weed Killers Product Feature : Sedgehammer Plus Turf Herbicide 13.5 Grams (2 Packs)

  • Controls yellow and purple nutsedge and certain tough broadleaf weeds like horsetail.
  • Doesn't need surfactant
  • Low use rate (1 1/3 oz/Acre or less) or .9 grams per 1000 square feet.
  • Controls nutsedge by moving through the plant and affecting the underground growing points (rhizomes and tubers).
  • It controls nutsedge after emergence in cool and warm season turfgrass (including St. Augustinegrass, Bermudagrass, Kentucky bluegrass, tall and fine fescue, and perennial ryegrass)

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    Cheap Gardening Weed Killers, More detail or Buy from AMAZON.COM .

    Opportunity comes, do not delay !! - Check price Gardening Weed Killers : Sedgehammer Plus Turf Herbicide 13.5 Grams (2 Packs)


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