Cheap AgraDyne Ground Pack Seed Starting Water Saver Potting Soil - Best Price with Gardening Soils

Cheap Gardening Soils, We would like to introduce you with AgraDyne Ground Pack Seed Starting Water Saver Potting Soil.

Gardening Soils Product Description : AgraDyne Ground Pack Seed Starting Water Saver Potting Soil

The AgraDyne Ground Pack is ideal for seed starting, potting soil for vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers and any other plant you might want in your yard or garden.

As a seed starter, once the seed is started, the bag can be placed into a pot or just laid onto the ground.

As with any young seeds, they will need more water at the beginning.

Because of the water retention action in the "Agradyne Ground Pack", the plants are more growth stable, growing bigger than normal and producing larger yields of fruits and vegetables.

100% natural potting soil.

Soil composition is what your plants will depend on for life support.

Soil helps carry the water to thirsty roots.

The soil also enables the plant to grow strong by the absorption of nutrients.

Our "groundpacks" hold several times their own weight in water and they dole out the water to the roots as the plant needs it.

Holding the water around the root system like a sponge.

The bag is bio-degradable, therefore, can be placed anywhere without disturbing the delicate root system of the plants.

The dirt is loose and has nutrients that feed the plant along with the water, ensuring a strong growth start.

The stronger and larger the root system the larger the plant.

The "water saving" part of the "groundpack" remains in the soil forever.

It will never diminish.

Therefore purchasing the "groundpack" for your gardens, planters, etc.,....

Is a lifetime investment!

Test results from UC Davis, California, showed: Two clear plastic capillarity tubes of 2 ¼ " diameter and 18" in height were used.

Raw plant soil was loosely packed into one tube, with a 20% water retention soil mixture packed into the other.

Placing the tubes into a tray of water, the capillary rise of water with time was monitored in both tubes.

After two days of testing, the water column in the water retention blend was 11.5" above the water line, while the water rose only 2.75" above the water line in the plant soil.

Buy Gardening Soils. This is the synopsis description , Click above product image to go to AMAZON.COM . for more detail of AgraDyne Ground Pack Seed Starting Water Saver Potting Soil.

Gardening Soils Product Feature : AgraDyne Ground Pack Seed Starting Water Saver Potting Soil

  • Perfect Potting Soil for Seed Starting; Deeper Roots With Less Water
  • Seed Starting Indoors Will Produce Sizeable Plants When Growing Season Begins
  • Perfect Potting Soil For Vegetables, Fruit, Herbs, Flowers, Reforestation
  • 100% Natural Indoor Seed Starter; Biodegradable Container is Kind to the Earth
  • This Seed Starting Mix Will Outperform Miracle Grow in Comparisons

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