Best Deal with Patch Perfect Lawn Seed (1.75lb pouch) - onsale!! Gardening Grass Seed

Best Deal with Gardening Grass Seed, We would like to advise you with Patch Perfect Lawn Seed (1.75lb pouch).

Gardening Grass Seed Product Description : Patch Perfect Lawn Seed (1.75lb pouch)

Cheap Gardening Grass Seed, The brief content description of Patch Perfect Lawn Seed (1.75lb pouch).

Patch Perfect Grass Seed

It's like grass seed on steroids, turbo charged grass seed!

Same deal as on seen on tv commercial- buy one bag (good for 50 square feet) and get one free! You get enough Patch Perfect for 100 square feet!!!

Now in environmentally friendly "Shakerpak" pouch!

Patch Perfect Grass grows in the harshest conditions.

Fast-growing fertilizer surrounds each seed to soak up and retain water.

Even sprouts in extreme cold or heat.

Every seed is encased in a powerful fertilizer coating that soaks up and retains water.

This encourages healthy, rapid germination.

Patch Perfect is ideal for shady areas, high traffic areas, bare spots caused by pet urine and other locations where you find it difficult to grow grass.

Quickly cover bare spots in shady sections, high-traffic paths or pet-ruined areas.

It's what's used at professional stadiums!

Even grows on concrete - without soil!

Covers 100 sq.


or about 200 patches.

Shipped in 1.75 lb.


Gardening Grass Seed Product Feature : Patch Perfect Lawn Seed (1.75lb pouch)

  • Patch Perfect Grass grows in the harshest conditions
  • Quickly cover bare spots in shady sections, high-traffic paths or pet-ruined areas.
  • onsale!! Gardening Grass Seed

    Summarize : Gardening Grass Seed

    " Thank a lot " everyone who has visiting this site and interest in Patch Perfect Lawn Seed (1.75lb pouch).

    Best Deal with!! Gardening Grass Seed, Read more detail or Buy from AMAZON

    Opportunity has arrived !! - Best Prices with Gardening Grass Seed : Patch Perfect Lawn Seed (1.75lb pouch)


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